Original ‘Hellraiser’ Still Has Such Sights To Show You

Note: This is a post that focuses on horrors/thrillers made with a connection to the LGBTQIA community. “I have seen the future of horror and his name is Clive Barker.” Stephen King quoted this praising Barker’s Book of Blood. This is funny because there really is only five years separating the two famous writers butContinue reading “Original ‘Hellraiser’ Still Has Such Sights To Show You”

Don’t Catch ‘Ghost Fever” (No, Seriously Avoid It If You Can…And Many Have)

NOTE: This review post has an emphasis for the LGBTQIA community for June Pride Month. Sherman Hemsley made a name for himself playing George Jefferson on The Jeffersons, a spin-off to All in the Family. George was so much like Archie Bunker part of the humor of the show was watching George get his comeuppanceContinue reading “Don’t Catch ‘Ghost Fever” (No, Seriously Avoid It If You Can…And Many Have)”

‘Freddy’s Revenge’ Is The Strangest Nightmare On Elm Street

Note: This post is about horrors/thrillers with an emphasis on the LGBTQIA community for June’s Pride Month. There are some movies that you can tell were just rushed into production to strike while the iron is hot. The first Nightmare on Elm Street had been produced on a very thin shoe-string budget for New LineContinue reading “‘Freddy’s Revenge’ Is The Strangest Nightmare On Elm Street”

‘Scary Movie’ Slashes Horror Genre

Note: Since June is Pride Month, I’m focusing on horrors/thrillers with a LGBTQIA connection. By the summer of 2000, In Living Color had been off the air for six years. And The Wayans Brothers had been off the air for one year. The last time, Shawn, Marlon and their older brother, Keenan Ivory, had releasedContinue reading “‘Scary Movie’ Slashes Horror Genre”

‘The Mummy’ At 25 Still One Helluva Fun-Filled Ride

When The Mummy was released in 1999, I didn’t think much of it. I felt it was trying to hard to be an Indiana Jones-style adventure that didn’t find its right style. However, when I watched The Mummy Returns a few years later, I actually liked the original more because I understood what director StephenContinue reading “‘The Mummy’ At 25 Still One Helluva Fun-Filled Ride”

Why ‘Grindhouse’ Failed (And Maybe That Was Its Intention)

Quentin Tarantino seems to be one of the few directors who almost escapes unscathed whenever he makes a movie. I say “almost” because no one is perfect and even though he can come off as pompous and arrogant, I think Tarantino would say he’s not perfect. For a man who’s won two Oscars for writing,Continue reading “Why ‘Grindhouse’ Failed (And Maybe That Was Its Intention)”

‘The Stand’ Doesn’t Deliver As Well 30 Years Later

The Stand may be Stephen King’s best novel according to all of his fans and critics. The novel was published so early in his career as a published novelist that such a massive book could’ve very easily ended his career if it wasn’t so well-received. Set mostly in an apocalyptic world where a superflu calledContinue reading “‘The Stand’ Doesn’t Deliver As Well 30 Years Later”

Roger Corman Was The John The Baptist Of American Cinema

In the mid-1970s, Ron Howard was attempting to make a name for himself as a movie director after he had grown up over the years as a child actor. For a man who had appeared on two popular TV shows, been in the Oscar-nominated American Graffiti and even co-starred alongside The Duke himself John WayneContinue reading “Roger Corman Was The John The Baptist Of American Cinema”

‘Dawn’ Good Remake Of Dead Horror Classic Released 20 Years Ago

Twenty years ago when I first saw the commercials for the Dawn of the Dead remake, I groaned. The original by George A. Romero isn’t perfect but its few flaws are easy to dismiss for how great it’s made. Set mostly at a shopping mall in the suburbs of Pennsylvania, it was social commentary onContinue reading “‘Dawn’ Good Remake Of Dead Horror Classic Released 20 Years Ago”

‘Lisa Frankenstein’ Falls To Pieces

Diablo Cody has been one of those filmmakers who I feel everyone made a big deal about for a while and she read too much of her own press and still thinks it’s 2008. It might have seem odd in the 2000s for many people to show visible tattoos on their arms without thinking theyContinue reading “‘Lisa Frankenstein’ Falls To Pieces”