‘Freddy’s Revenge’ Is The Strangest Nightmare On Elm Street

Note: This post is about horrors/thrillers with an emphasis on the LGBTQIA community for June’s Pride Month. There are some movies that you can tell were just rushed into production to strike while the iron is hot. The first Nightmare on Elm Street had been produced on a very thin shoe-string budget for New LineContinue reading “‘Freddy’s Revenge’ Is The Strangest Nightmare On Elm Street”

‘Cursed’ Is Just That

In theatre, it’s considered bad luck to say the name of the play MacBeth. I also think it’s bad luck to use certain words or phrases in a movie or TV show. Rumor has it that the filmmakers behind In the Line of Fire tried to turn “That’s not gonna happen” spoken by Clint Eastwood’sContinue reading “‘Cursed’ Is Just That”