‘As You Wish’ Is A Love Letter To The Fans Of ‘The Princess Bride’

Ever since the dawn of cinema, there have been movie productions that were nightmares. And sometimes the hard work pays off and a classic is born. Other times, the problems can be seen in the movie. But sometimes some of the worst movies are filmed without a hitch. Look at Adam Sandler’s comedies with hisContinue reading “‘As You Wish’ Is A Love Letter To The Fans Of ‘The Princess Bride’”

‘Reversal Of Fortune’ Is Jeremy Irons’ Masterpiece Of Acting

If you ever want to be an actor, my advice is to get a copy (digital or physical) of Reversal of Fortune and study it. Jeremy Irons was only in his early 40s when he played Claus von Bulow (who was about 15 years older) but you wouldn’t have guessed it. With a little bitContinue reading “‘Reversal Of Fortune’ Is Jeremy Irons’ Masterpiece Of Acting”

And On Earth Peace

It’s one of those stories that you never hear about even though it’s been recanted by President Reagan, Reader’s Digest and featured on Unsolved Mysteries. Maybe the reason it hasn’t been made into a movie is that it’s just a story of several people coming together to have a dinner. But when you think aboutContinue reading “And On Earth Peace”