‘Erasure’ Is A Good Work Of American Fiction That Seems Too Real

Percival Everett published the dark comedy satire Erasure in 2001. A year prior, Spike Lee released his satire Bamboozled. Both seem to be about a black male protagonist who doesn’t fit what most think of as black men. They’re both highly educated, sophisticated intellectuals. Yet they are constantly criticized by those around them for howContinue reading “‘Erasure’ Is A Good Work Of American Fiction That Seems Too Real”

Oscar’s Most Cringeworthy Moments

As glamourous and star-studded the Academy Awards can be, it doesn’t mean every year, things go off without a hitch. Part of the problem is that a producer has a radical idea that backfires in the worse way. Famed producer Allan Carr basically sunk his career 35 years ago when he opened with an actressContinue reading “Oscar’s Most Cringeworthy Moments”

‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ Is When The Oscars Got It Right

A movie like One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest could’ve been a disaster. It spent years in development hell with Kirk Douglas originally wanting to play the main role before realizing he was too old. Other actors, such as Burt Reynolds, were considered before Jack Nicholson was hired. He, himself, had almost given up totallyContinue reading “‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ Is When The Oscars Got It Right”

‘Reversal Of Fortune’ Is Jeremy Irons’ Masterpiece Of Acting

If you ever want to be an actor, my advice is to get a copy (digital or physical) of Reversal of Fortune and study it. Jeremy Irons was only in his early 40s when he played Claus von Bulow (who was about 15 years older) but you wouldn’t have guessed it. With a little bitContinue reading “‘Reversal Of Fortune’ Is Jeremy Irons’ Masterpiece Of Acting”

Oscars Have A History Of Not Nominating “Sure Things”

I remember less than 30 years ago, they were discussing how they would find five actresses to nominate for the Best Lead Actress category. In the last few years, they’ve had too many, it’s hard to limit. Last year, I though Mia Goth should’ve been nominated for Pearl and Aubrey Plaza should’ve been nominated forContinue reading “Oscars Have A History Of Not Nominating “Sure Things””