The O.J. Simpson Murder Case Still Strikes A Nerve Decades Later

As of today, June 12, there are people alive who can legally run for the U.S. Senate who have no recollection of the public hysteria and legal turmoil that happened because of the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman in a residential L.A. neighborhood 30 years ago. It’s almost outrageous how all of thisContinue reading “The O.J. Simpson Murder Case Still Strikes A Nerve Decades Later”

The Republican Party’s Day Of Reckoning Is Close At Hand

No longer can the Republican Party call themselves the Party of Lincoln. No longer can the Republican Party say they are for limited government considering they want to have more governmental control on people and policies. And no longer can they say they are the party of good Christian values and law and order asContinue reading “The Republican Party’s Day Of Reckoning Is Close At Hand”

Trump Supporters – You Can’t Handle The Truth!

Well, if you’ve been living under a rock on Mars with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears for the last 48 hours, you’ve probably heard the news that former President Donald J. Trump was convicted by a New York City jury in a “hush money” case. Now, as June 1 has begun,Continue reading “Trump Supporters – You Can’t Handle The Truth!”

The Way People Treat Animals Is The Way They Treat Everyone

You’ve probably heard the quote, “Never trust anyone who isn’t kind to animals.” Some people attribute it to Oscar Wilde, but through my research, I don’t know if he actually said it. Writer Anthony Douglas Williams did say, “How one treats other animals often reflects how one treats other humans.” Recently, South Dakota Gov. KristiContinue reading “The Way People Treat Animals Is The Way They Treat Everyone”

‘Stormy’ Shows How We Always Seem To Punish The Victims

It’s been over 25 years since the Republican-controlled Congress under the leadership of Newt Gingrich tried to remove President Bill Clinton for his extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky. Ironically, Gingrich was having an affair at the same with Callista Besik, who would go on to be his third wife. He resigned in early January andContinue reading “‘Stormy’ Shows How We Always Seem To Punish The Victims”

Trump Is A Snake Oil Salesman, But Congress Is Worried About TikTok

As the old saying goes, “When someone tells you who they are, believe them!” Donald J. Trump has spent 77 years of his life telling people repeatedly who he is. But for some reason, a lot of people don’t want to believe them. I watched the Stormy Daniels documentary on Peacock and listened the audioContinue reading “Trump Is A Snake Oil Salesman, But Congress Is Worried About TikTok”

Nex Benedict’s Death Says More About How We Despise Each Other

It didn’t take long for Donald J. Trump to openly criticize President Joe Biden’s stutter following the State of the Union address. Yes, Biden has a stutter. So do millions of other people. My cousin had it bad growing up. Jeff Goldblum built his entire acting career over stammering and stuttering his lines even thoughContinue reading “Nex Benedict’s Death Says More About How We Despise Each Other”

The Political Rematch We Didn’t Want

Well, Nikki Haley has officially dropped out. That leaves Donald J. Trump as the only Republican candidate for President this election year. And that may be more damaging that he and the rest of the party don’t realize, for one simple reason – not a lot of people like him, especially in his own party.Continue reading “The Political Rematch We Didn’t Want”

Leap-Year Lizards!

It almost makes sense the same week the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the argument that former President Donald J. Trump has immunity from prosecution is the 33rd anniversary of the infamous beating and arrest of Rodney King by four Los Angeles Police officers. The 1991 incident which occurred this day, March 3, wasContinue reading “Leap-Year Lizards!”

A Republic If We Can Keep It

I drank a lot in my early 20s. I wasn’t an alcoholic, but I was still drunk at my college graduation which was at 9-10 a.m. on a rather hot Saturday morning in early May 2001 at Georgia Southern University about an hour drive out of Savannah. I moved away as I got older becauseContinue reading “A Republic If We Can Keep It”