Happy Cinco De Mayo

I want to wish everyone a Happy Cinco de Mayo if you celebrate. Unfortunately, if you’re celebrating today, it isn’t for Mexico’s Independence. Instead, it’s to celebrate Mexico’s victory over the Second French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862.

The Mexican army was led by Gen. Ignacio Zaragoza who later died from an illness months later leading to the Second Battle of Puebla, otherwise known as the Siege of Puebla from March 16-May 17, 1863. The Mexican forces were defeated by a larger army of French who occupied Mexico City until after the American Civil War when aide allowed the Mexicans to overpower the French and Mexican conservative. By January 1866, Napoleon III announced he would withdraw troops from Mexico.

Ironically, it’s not even celebrated by many Mexicans or even American of Mexican ancestry. So, it’s really just another time for white people to get drunk and businesses to have deals to sell you things. I don’t understand how this country can be all about “Build That Wall” but then head out to the local Mexican restaurant to down chips and salsa and margaritas. I guess people love Mexican and Spanish food. They just don’t like the people.

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Published by bobbyzane420

I'm an award winning journalist and photographer who covered dozens of homicides and even interviewed President Jimmy Carter on multiple occasions. A back injury in 2011 and other family medical emergencies sidelined my journalism career. But now, I'm doing my own thing, focusing on movies (one of my favorite topics), current events and politics (another favorite topic) and just anything I feel needs to be posted. Thank you for reading.

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